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Get To Know Us

Created 2 Create LLC is a performing arts group that focuses on producing Christian content. We showcase in an original environment. We spread the love of Christ, and we exemplify that in various ways of expression. This includes dance, music, writing, and drama. Our mission is to inspire and to uplift our audience with our talent and passion. Here, we believe that we have been uniquely and divinely Created 2 Create! Join us on our journey to spread joy and faith through the performing arts.

What We Do


Author Books

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Original Music

Coming Soon


Performing Arts

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We Believe...

We believe in one God. We Believe in a Trinitarian God who exists in three equal and divine persons. We believe that these persons are The Father, The Son -  Jesus, and The Holy Spirit. We believe in the whole Bible. We believe in the Sovereignty of our Creator. 



Our goal is to bring positive and uplifting entertainment to our communities. We highlight Biblical truths and principles and bring them to life with a refreshing lens. We hope to captivate the importance of truth, and the love of Jesus Christ in all the projects that we do.



We are here to offer our surrounding communities positive and diverse fun. We take a different approach when it comes to expressing ourselves and expressing God. We recognize that God IS the ultimate creator and that He has gifted us with creativity. For that we say THANK YOU and we use our creativity to impact others.



We hope to reach the lost, the broken, and the confused. We want to reach EVERYONE - no matter race, creed, or background. Jesus loves everyone and we are here to demonstrate that.



Here, with Created 2 Create LLC you will find yourself more than WELCOME! There is an opportunity for everyone!

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